Institutional Base Salary Policy
The Institutional Base Salary Policy defines Base Salary for Baylor faculty and staff for the purpose of ensuring consistency when salaries are charged to federal grants and agreements, as required by the Code of Federal Regulations 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance, or UG), section 430, “Compensation for Personal Services.” For consistency, Baylor applies the federal standard to the sponsored project portfolio, regardless of the source of funds.
Policy Overview
This policy defines Base Salary as:
• The amount of annual compensation listed in the appointment letter (faculty) or employment letter (staff or student), including compensation earned during one- or two-semester research leaves; plus
• Any recurring administrative stipend.
In addition, up to two months’ summer salary may be earned at the rate of Base Salary.
All other forms of compensation are excluded from Base Salary and will not be charged to any sponsored project.