Campus Security Authorities are identified by function, not title. The definition provided by the Clery Act is intentionally broad to include as many people as possible to ensure all crimes are reported. You cannot decline to be a CSA if your role fits the definition, you are a CSA.
The Act defines four general categories of CSAs:
Campus Security Authorities are federally mandated to forward reports of crime brought to their attention. The party reporting the crime does not need to be University-affiliated and the report does not have to lead to police involvement.
You do not have to be an expert on Clery; simply report information to the best of your understanding.
If a person reveals they have been involved in an incident that might involve a crime, (reportable or otherwise) contact the Baylor University Police at 254-710-2222. Reporting a crime to the police does not mean charges must be filed; instead, it allows for discussion of options and helps the University obtain accurate information for statistical reporting. It is important that information is reported as soon as possible so it may be evaluated to determine if an immediate notification should be issued to students, faculty, and staff regarding the criminal activity. Timely warnings may be disseminated to communicate Clery crimes and safety tips to the community for situations that may present an ongoing threat.
CSA Incident Report forms aid in recording important details for statistical information and can be located and filled out from the link provided:
If you don't have all the information please submit what you do have.
CSAs are obligated to forward reports of Clery Act qualifying crimes that occurred on Clery reportable geography, however, you are encouraged to promptly relay all reports of crime to the appropriate University officials.
Criminal Offenses required to be disclosed are Criminal Homicide (including Murder, Non-negligent Manslaughter, and Manslaughter by Negligence), Sexual Assault, (including Rape, Fondling, Incest, and Statutory Rape), Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, and Arson.
VAWA (Violence Against Woman Act) Offenses required to be disclosed are Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking. These crimes are reportable even if the victim does not consider themselves to be a victim.
Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action required to be disclosed are liquor law violations, drug law violations and/or illegal weapon possession.
Hate Crimes required to be disclosed are Criminal Homicide (including Murder, Non-negligent Manslaughter and Manslaughter by Negligence), Sexual Assault (including Rape, Fondling, Incest and Statutory Rape), Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, Arson, Larceny-Theft, Simple Assault, Intimidation, or Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property that were motivated by bias.