Virtual Youth Programming Guidance
The guidance below is intended to help support programs offering virtual programming environments that involve minor participants. These recommendations are offered only as best practices. We are continuing to explore opportunities to scale our efforts as this space evolves.
Program hosting Virtual Youth Programming must submit events through the standard event submission process (Special Event Form, Connect or Institutional Event…etc.).
Authorized Adults
Authorized Adults should pass a criminal background check and complete the Baylor online learning course Shine A Light, which details mandatory reporting requirements.
Platform Security
Programs should consult with Baylor IT security department in selecting an approved platform that adheres to any required privacy and security requirements established by the university. Please reference Zoom Best Practice and Microsoft Teams Best Practice to help support programming needs.
Cyber Bullying and Online Behavior
Programs should create a written Standards of Conduct signed by all participants, which addresses guidelines for appropriate online interactions. Programs should enable private chat features to avoid inappropriate messaging between minor participants.
Programs should only communicate with minor participants during scheduled programming via approved university platforms. Programs should avoid 1:1 online interaction between a minor participant and program staff. It is recommended that onlooker be present when interacting with a minor participant. Please reference our One on One Best Practice Guidance to direct programs for these interactions.
Programs should establish duo authentication for joining sessions or meetings for minor participants.
Consent and Waiver
Programs should consult with OGC regarding waivers for consent and photo/Video release forms when applicable to adhere to any privacy laws,