Distance and Online Learning Student Information Policy
The Distance and Online Learning Student Information Policy is a new policy to explicitly meet federal and accreditation requirements for students enrolled in distance and online courses or programs. It extends current policies related to technology use, student information use, privacy, FERPA, etc. It provides procedures for faculty, staff, and students to the principles stated below.
Principles of the policy:
• Student Identity Verification in Distance Education Courses. The University ensures that the student who registers in a distance or correspondence education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the credit.
• Protection of Student Privacy in Distance Education Courses. The University has a written procedure for protecting the privacy of students enrolled in distance and correspondence education courses or programs.
• Required Notifications to Students Enrolled in Distance Education Courses. The University ensures that students are notified, in writing at the time of registration or enrollment, of any projected additional student fees associated with verification of student identity.